How to use ActiveCampaign to charm and keep selling to your customers

Yan Vispo Customer Stories Thumbnails


Yan Vispo is an entrepreneur who has created different types of companies: Rumbo Eficiente (a Training School) and Proelia Digital (an Agency specializing in Paid Media).


Thanks to his knowledge of engineering, personal development, and all the hits/misses in advertising platforms, Yan is currently involved in multiple facets of a digital business:


From planning and coordinating strategies for large clients to lecturing at the best masterminds in Europe.





Although Proelia is the core business, the story begins a few years earlier. Precisely, with Rumbo Eficiente, one of Yan’s first digital businesses.


It is true that before there were other businesses that did not end up fitting correctly in the market, but Rumbo Eficiente was different since it came from a previous pivot, that is, a business attempt that did not work and ended up changing its structure.


In the beginning, it was more focused on personal productivity. Right now it is 100% focused on teaching how to make the most of Facebook and Instagram Ads.


Training businesses have the peculiarity of bringing you closer to potential clients from other areas, so Yan saw the opportunity to create an agency to help all the people who would be looking for exceptional results.


From teaching the nuances and secrets of digital advertising to creating a team to manage the marketing investment of other businesses


This is how Proelia Digital was born.


To date, they have invested more than 6 million Euros in their clients' campaigns, returning almost 18 million Euros.


The challenge

Yan’s beginnings in the world of entrepreneurship were closely linked to personal development and productivity. If something was clear to him, it was that the first challenge of any business is to start creating something that really makes you feel complete as an entrepreneur.


"The first challenge is to come up with that kind of business that you are truly passionate about and that makes you persevere. If you start a business simply for the money, which I don't recommend to anyone, you won't be able to overcome the challenges. If you start just for the money, you will quit when you meet your first challenges.”


With that thought very much in mind, Yan saved himself a lot of trouble in the beginning.


However, that was only the beginning.


When it came to marketing and sales, thanks to all the training he had acquired in the past, he had two very clear concepts that would be vital to his business:


  • Customer acquisition

  • The ability to charm the customers you attract.


Both are eternally linked to the success of a business.


On the one hand, the ability to acquire new ones, and on the other, the ability to retain them and make more profit.


In the second challenge, charming them was a bit more complicated, due to the abstract concept of "charming".


"This part is not usually talked about much in terms of marketing... What a client will base his decision on is the quality of the service, that is to say, a client can leave for not providing good results and come back in the future, but if a client leaves because of the quality of the service, he will never come back".


To ensure good quality service, he worked day and night to cover the most important parts of direct contact with his customers, including email marketing.


Looking for the tool that could best suit what he was doing, and after trying the most common options, he started his journey with ActiveCampaign.  


The solution

At the time, Yan wanted to go live on the market in a simple and intuitive way. He wasn't looking to complicate things at the beginning.


“Nowadays, what Wild Mail or ActiveCampaign do is duplicate the funnels or automations I have created, check that everything works, and that's it. It's such a simple tool that allows me to leverage what I've worked on in the past.”


To that end, ActiveCampaign's features were a perfect fit, and it didn't take him long to start taking advantage of them to improve his marketing.


The goal? 


To charm his customers by keeping everything as simple as possible.


"The first thing you have to have before doing email marketing is a clear goal. When it comes to buying any tool, you must have a clear expectation of what you want to achieve with it".


Creating easy and functional sales funnels with automations

From the beginning, Yan was working and testing different types of funnels, always changing the approach.


With ActiveCampaign automations, he could make users receive certain content of interest, and be able to retain their contact information to work on a possible sale.


Despite the enormous possibilities for automation, Rumbo Eficiente and Proelia Digital have always gone for simplicity and efficiency.


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Welcome and conversion automation

“In my opinion, big automations are not so worthwhile. You have to create things that make life easier.”


The results were always up to par, and when they weren't, the room for improvement was always there. Precisely the simplicity allowed for constant improvement.


Also, when you have similar businesses, it is interesting to be able to replicate your actions from one business to another. With ActiveCampaign's copy and share automation feature, this only takes seconds.


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Sharing an automation for another ActiveCampaign account


Nurturing to increase a customer's Lifetime Value

Despite not using large automations, at Proelia they do take full advantage of customer information and behavior to retain, please and keep selling.


“Create your automations and acquisition funnels, but don't abandon them when they become customers. Keep nurturing them, and if you're going to do it by email marketing, take advantage of the automations .. You may even get more business.”


If the user feels accompanied at all times, the chances of continuing to interact with the business increase. A product or service does not have to be the end of a relationship.


In this case, Yan optimizes his ActiveCampaign automations to the maximum to make more money by nurturing and pleasing his customers. Every time the user interacts with a marketing action or event, it's the perfect opportunity to further nurture and enhance the relationship.


Long-term relationships are the ones that bring the most benefits. Sending the right email, monitoring customer satisfaction and results, providing full assistance ..


With simple automations, Proelia retains the user’s attention so that they feel charmed, and in the future, they can continue to obtain new sales.




Behavioral actions to maintain a good relationship with your customers


The results

Working directly with Paid Media, Proelia works to get the most results from simple actions. They look for the 20% of effort that can deliver 80% of results.


ActiveCampaign's versatility allows them to create and direct their efforts to the ideal place.


Whether it is a training or consulting business, together with Wild Mail, Yan Vispo has found the ideal tool to create better relationships through email marketing and to capitalize on more and more sales.



  • No possibility to automate

  • Re-creating automations manually

  • No possibility to measure behavior



  • Copy and import automations from other accounts

  • Capitalize new sales from old customers

  • Measure user behavior

  • Ability to create and combine sales funnels


Recently, Yan has added Club Nómada to its portfolio of digital businesses. With this, there are now 3 businesses that are using Wild Mail to automate their emails.


The future is bright for those who work day in and day out. From Wild Mail, we will continue to be delighted to collaborate with companies like Proelia Digital.



Advice from someone with so much experience is always interesting to hear. In this case, Yan Vispo tells us, specifically, what kind of business could use a solution like ActiveCampaign:


And his answer was, for every type of business.



Living in such a digitized world, email ends up being a necessary tool for daily navigation.


Being able to take advantage of user data is becoming more and more important. Whether it is a physical or digital business, today it is a priority to do business through a channel as common as email.


What is Wild Mail?

Wild Mail is ActiveCampaign for European companies with extra benefits:

  • We are Europe-based serving European companies,

  • premium & localised support in less than 1h,

  • our free email analytics app for ActiveCampaign, and

  • best-in-class ActiveCampaign training


What is Wild Mail?

Wild Mail is ActiveCampaign for European companies with extra benefits:

  • We are Europe-based serving European companies

  • Premium & localised support in less than 1h

  • First-class ActiveCampaign consulting

  • Free ActiveCampaign Academy

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